William Tyler

Image credit: Catalyst Science Discovery Centre and Museum / Adrian Waine, Photography for Industry

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‘Imperial Chemical Industries made advertising history during the Second World War on behalf of both ICI and British Art. Fifty-six portraits of ICI employees were commissioned from leading British artists, to use in a nationwide advertising campaign between 1944–1946. The intent of these so-called Prestige Advertisements was to keep ICI’s profile high during the war years, while providing badly needed employment for British artists. But the underlying key objective was propaganda. Typical men and women from the factories and research laboratories around the country were selected to illustrate ICI’s great diversity of products. The majority depicted represented those doing the essential labour – the unsung heroes of the war effort.

Catalyst Science Discovery Centre and Museum



William Tyler




oil on canvas


H 62 x W 50 cm

Accession number

WICIM 2014.23

Acquisition method

gift, 2014

Work type



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Catalyst Science Discovery Centre and Museum

Mersey Road, Widnes, Cheshire WA8 0DF England

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