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The objects, specimens, records and collections held at the Resources Centre are the foundation of the Museums Service. They form the basis of exhibitions at the seven Leicestershire County Council museum sites and are available for loan to other museums, locally and internationally and to be used by local community groups. The collections are curated under the following themes: Natural Life, Working Life, Home and Family Life, Cultural Life and Sporting Life. These are underpinned by the archaeology collection which contains the earliest examples of objects relating to the thematic approach to collecting the life of the county. The focus of the art collection is the landscape and built environment of the county, local sporting pursuits and work by local artists. The lives of local people are recorded in a series of portraits, including a portrait of George Villiers, 1st Duke of Buckingham, and scenes of working life in some of the county's principal industries, including 'Snibston Mine' by Paul Waplington.

Leicestershire England

0116 3053720

The Collections Resources Centre is open by appoinment and offers visitors a tailored experience of close examination of specific parts of the collections facilitated by expert collections staff.