National Trust, Maister House

Image credit: National Trust Images

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Maister House was rebuilt in 1744, after a fire, by Henry Maister I (1699–1744). Having already tragically lost two wives, he died before its completion. It was probably completed by his brother Nathaniel, on behalf of his son, Henry Maister II (1730–1812). The finished house featured a magnificent Palladian staircase hall, ironwork by Robert Bakewell, stucco by Joseph Page, and a statue of Ceres by John Cheere in a niche above the staircase. From 1822, the house was let for use as offices, the last of whom, Barkers & Lee Smith Ltd, along with the Georgian Society for East Yorkshire and Colonel Rupert Alec-Smith, gave it to the National Trust in 1966. The House, restored by Francis Johnson, is still occupied by tenants. The two portraits, hanging in the entrance hall, which is open to the public, are on loan from the Ferens Art Gallery, Hull. They are of the brothers Henry and William Maister, whose great-grandfather William (d.1664) had pioneered direct trade in iron between Sweden and England.

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